Security Information and Event Management

Managing cyber risk has become critical to most organisations. Today, the stakes have never been higher and the challenges never more daunting.

Modern ICT consists of an ever-expanding attack surface and an unrelenting barrage of vulnerabilities, making it harder to see the few that matter most.

Are you concerned about securing your ICT assets, detecting weaknesses, measuring risk, and confidently managing and reducing cyber risk?

Our SIEM service provides customers with comprehensive protection against emerging cyber threats.

Key Features:

  • We actively monitor your ICT infrastructure, continuously assess traffic, and alert our Security Operations centre (SOC) of identified threats. By leveraging our SIEM, the likelihood of being exposed to and suffering from cyber-crime is significantly reduced.

  • Our SIEM service is flexible in its deployment so that the services are of value to your specific environment. It can include any or all of the following capabilities:

Security Event Management – logging, correlation, analysis, and reporting
Intrusion Detection – network, host IDS, and file integrity monitoring
Behavioural Monitoring – Netflow analysis and service availability monitoring
Active Threat Assessment – assessment of issues and alerts by trained security personnel, followed up with remediation recommendations
Alert Escalation – assisting in the planning and implementation of security related recommendations
Reporting – provision of monthly security metric KPI snapshots

Support Options:

Baselining – we undertake a snapshot assessment of your infrastructure, identify critical issues, and provide recommendations to address them.

Real-time – we build and tune a security dashboard for your environment with real-time monitoring that identifies events and vulnerabilities as they appear and as they are discovered by the Security community. Dashboard alerts are investigated by our Security Operations team, and mitigation can be undertaken to protect your organisation.